Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Brief 4.1 | Final Shots

Concept Box:

- Rethink
- Personal feel
- Fill the box with own thoughts
- appealing to both sexes from all classes

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Brief 4.1 | Storyboard

2012 SURREY GAMES LOGO | Olympic Logo 2012

Segmented Surrey'12 Games Logo:
The oak is a common symbol of strength and endurance.
It is considered a cosmic storehouse of wisdom embodied within its towering strength.

* Life
* Strength
* Wisdom
* Nobility
* Family
* Loyalty
* Power
* Longevity
* Heritage
* Honor

- contemporary but distinctive
- representing 18 Surrey Pre-Games Training camps
- mosaic style to ensure the significance of each segment
- easy to modify (varying number of Surrey camps)
- works as a sub brand to the existing London 2012
- adaptable for a variety of environments
- flexible

Final Logo Set:


Put the created drafts next to the existing current Olympics Logo 2012 to see which adapts the most.


Sunday, 15 February 2009

2012 SURREY GAMES LOGO | Research: Laurel / Oak

A laurel wreath is a circular wreath made of interlocking branches and leaves of the Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis, Lauraceae), an aromatic broadleaf evergreen. In Greek mythology, Apollo is represented wearing a laurel wreath on his head.
In ancient Greece wreaths were awarded to victors, both in athletic competitions, including the ancient Olympics, and in poetic meets; in Rome they were symbols of martial victory, crowning a successful commander during his triumph. Whereas ancient laurel wreaths are most often depicted as a horseshoe shape, modern versions are usually complete rings.

In common modern idiomatic usage it refers to a victory. The expression "resting on one's laurels" refers to someone relying on their past success to cover up their current inadequacies.

Surrey contains a good deal of mature woodland (reflected in the official logo of Surrey County Council, a pair of interlocking oak leaves).
The oak is a common symbol of strength and endurance and has been chosen as the national tree of England, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the United States, Basque Country, Wales and Serbia. Iowa has designated the oak as its official state tree in 1961, and the White Oak is the state tree of Connecticut, Illinois and Maryland. The Northern Red Oak is the provincial tree of Prince Edward Island, as well as the state tree of New Jersey. The Live Oak is the State Tree of Georgia.

2012 SURREY GAMES LOGO | Olympics Logos
