Friday, 30 January 2009

Brief 4.1 | Brainstorm

Poverty vs. Wealth Mind Map.

Brief 4.1 | Offline Research

The Photo Essay (Photographers at Work)
by Mary Ellen Mark (Author)

Inside Grand Central Terminal - A Photo Essay
by Kurt Boone; John Sarsgard (Author)

How to Create a Photo Essay (Integrated Language Arts)
by Silver Burdett Ginn (Author)

Brief 4.1 | Site Visit / Online Research,29307,1626519,00.html

Brief 4.1 | Artist Research

William Eugene Smith
was an American photojournalist known for his refusal to compromise professional standards and his brutally vivid World War II photographs.

Bruce Davidson
is an American photographer. He has been a member of Magnum since 1958. His photographs, notably those taken in Harlem, have been widely exhibited and published in a number of books.

Ansel Easton Adams
was an American photographer and environmentalist, best known for his black-and-white photographs of the American West and primarily Yosemite National Park.
For his images, he developed the zone system, a way to determine proper exposure and adjust the contrast of the final print. The resulting clarity and depth characterized his photographs. Although his large-format view cameras were difficult to use because of their size, weight, setup time, and film cost, their high resolution ensured sharpness in his images.

Helmut Newton
born Helmut Neustädter (31 October 1920, Berlin, Germany – 23 January 2004, West Hollywood, California, USA) was a German-Australian fashion photographer noted for his nude studies of women.

Brief 4.1 | Magnum Photos

Magnum Photos is an international photographic cooperative owned by its photographer-members, with offices located in New York, Paris, London and Tokyo. According to co-founder Henri Cartier-Bresson, "Magnum is a community of thought, a shared human quality, a curiosity about what is going on in the world, a respect for what is going on and a desire to transcribe it visually."

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Brief 4.1 | United Colors of Benetton

These graphic, billboard sized ads included depictions of a variety of 'shocking' subjects such as a deathbed scene of a man (AIDS activist David Kirby) dying from AIDS, a bloodied, unwashed newborn baby with umbilical cord still attached, two horses mating, close-up pictures of tattoos reading "HIV Positive" on the bodies of men and women, a collage consisting of genitals of persons of various races, a priest and nun about to engage in a romantic kiss, and pictures of inmates on death row. The company's logo served as the only text accompanying the images in most of these advertisements.

Benetton's main photographer is Oliviero Toscani (born 1942) and an Italian photographer, best-known worldwide for designing controversial advertising campaigns for Italian brand Benetton, from 1982 to 2000. Most of these advertising campaigns were actually institutionals for the brand, always composed of rather controversial photography, usually with only the company logo "United Colors of Benetton" as caption.


Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Brief 4.1 | JPG Magazine

JPG is a magazine, published 6 times a year by 8020 Publishing, which focuses on photography. The content of JPG is user-created and submitted via the magazine's website. When photos are submitted to the website, they are voted on by members of the site's community for inclusion in the next issue. Photos are separated by theme, with some themes being assigned to issues while some are not.

Favela Kids:

All photo essays in black and white. Playing on emtional components.

Brief 4.1 | Unicef Photo Of The Year 2007 / 2008


Alcie Smeets

1st Prize 2008 for Alice Smeets

Surviving in Haiti

For five hundred years misfortune and terror have reigned in Haiti. First it was colonialism and slavery, then came the dictators. After that followed chronic political instability and hurricanes. And throughout all that: hardship, distrust, treachery, poverty, dirt, destruction, illness, tyranny, oppression, persecution, death.

Shi: Powerful and narrative image which exactly reflects back on the countrie's current situation and issues.

Oded Balilty

2nd Prize 2008 for Oded Balilty

The Earthquake in China

The rigor mortis affecting the region has spread to the psyches of the living. At least 70,000 people fell victim to the apocalyptic earthquake on the 12th May 2008 in the Chinese province of Sichuan.

Shi: A signature photo which works very well in capturing the key elements and the main focus on the little girl.

Balazs Gardi

3rd Prize 2008 for Balazs Gardi

Collateral Damage

For whom is the Korengal-Valley in the Kunar province of northwest Afghanistan the most dangerous place in the world? Is it the villagers who find themselves between the fronts? Or the Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters? Or the American Soldiers? The risk is spread gruesomely evenly among all these groups.

Shi: Another strong emotional black and white piece, which leaves an open view about the people within this image.


Stephanie Sinclair

G.M.B. Akash

Hartmut Schwarzbach (3rd Prize for Hartmut Schwarzbach 2007)

Smokey Mountain – Children of a charcoal burners’ camp in Manila

This is exactly what the brief is about and is arguably satifying the brief. The photograph and it general feel is very contradictious. The common formula wealth = fortune and poverty = unhappiness does not apply here. This image 'can' change people’s perceptions of wealth and poverty. The little girl surrounded by charcoal and trash, and still with the biggest smile in her face, as if she is blinded by her surroundings.

Unicef Research outcomes:
There are different types of photos to evoke the same or a complete different emotion. I need to be careful chosing what type to use in order to reflect the narrative and the thematic of the picture itself. Black and white pictures are a common tool to play on certain elements of the photo, but not necessarily successful.

Brief 4.1 | <-> BRIEF

PhotoVoice’s mission is to bring about positive social change for marginalised communities through providing them with photographic training with which they can advocate, express themselves and generate income.

PhotoVoice projects span four continents, assisting refugees, street children, orphans, HIV/ AIDS sufferers and special needs groups. Internationally the organisation provides the platform for PhotoVoice groups to exhibit and market their work and to inspire change. It also provides long-term support for individuals to pursue careers in their local photographic industries.

Relating to the brief:

Analyzing their work to date and projects photovoice was/is involved in, I could win a general feel about their style and art of work. The photos are predominantly narratives and evoke emotion at the same time. They reflect a detailed shot and focus in on one element.
I will try and use these characteristics as a starting point for my initial shots and then develop it further more and giving it my note.

Brief 4.1 | Documentation/Reflection/Research

- journalistic pyramid
- analytical set of questions
- self reflective learning cycle
- do, review, learn, apply
- log/drawing book

Brief 4.1 | 5 Steps of PhotoEssay

1. Topic: Photo essays are most dynamic when you care about the subject and have general interest/knowledge about it.

2. Research: Gain background knowledge about the subject by looking at existing photo essays, poster campaigns, viral marketing, photographers, schcoking images.

3. Find the “real story”: After the research, I can determine the angle I want to take my story. Though each story idea is the same, the main factors of each story create an incredibly unique story.

4. Every dynamic story is built on a set of core values and emotions that touch the heart of its audience: Anger. Joy. Fear. Hurt. Excitement. The best way I can connect my photo essay with its audience is to draw out the emotions within the story and utilize them in my shots. I'll merely use emotion as a connecting point.

5. Planning: I have to think about the type of shots that will work best to tell your story, by creating a “shot list” for the story. Each shot will work like a sentence in a one-paragraph story. Each shot must emphasize a different concept or emotion that can be woven together with the other images for the final draft of the story.

Brief 4.1 | Photo Essay Mind Map

A photo essay is very simply a collection of images that are placed in a specific order to tell the progression of events, emotions, and concepts. A photo essay is a set or series of photographs that are intended to tell a story or evoke a series of emotions in the viewer. Used by world class photojournalists such as Lauren Greenfield and James Nachtwey, and Joachim Ladefoged to name a few, the photo essay takes the same story telling techniques as a normal essay, translated into visual images.

Now more than ever, the power of storytelling ought to be harnessed. But telling a story with photos takes more than just a skillful photographer. An impacting photo story can only be developed by a person who understands the emotions and concepts behind ever-great story.

Brief 4 | Timeplan

Having a scheduled time until mid March for Brief 4, I split this timeframe into two parts and allocated an individual timechart to each subbrief.

Brief 4.1 - Photovoice:

26 Jan - 18 Feb incl. finishing the boards

Brief 4.2 - The Brand Union:

19 Feb - 16 Mar incl. finishing the boards + submission of both projects

Past experience shows, that nothing really works after a schedule and a time plan, so if worst comes to worst, I'll drop Brief 4.2 due to whatever reasons/issues will occur.

Brief 4 | The Two D&AD Briefs

Again, I was reading carefully through all the various briefs including requirments, mandatories and what exactly was expected.

I picked out my favourites

- pjsmoothies
- ebay
- create not hate
- crisis
- brand union*
- faber and faber
- bbc
- photovoice*

and quickly brainstormed ideas what would be possible.

Two briefs here worked in favour for me, since I had plans to get a bit more in touch with the field of photography due to a previous case study (incl. world wide known photographer Toscani / United Colors of Benetton). The other one being a field where I am confident in and recent projects prepared me for the theme around 'rebranding'.

--> Brief 4.1 - Craft / Photovoice: Tell a story through a photo-essay that changes people's perceptions of wealth and poverty.

1. to changes people’s perceptions of wealth and poverty
2. to challenge the visual stereotypes associated with these notions and the gap between the two
3. confront and upturn the traditional concepts of what it means to be wealthy or poverty stricken
4. to challenge the viewer to redefine the way they think
5. the story you are telling and the structure of your narrative

--> Brief 4.2 - Graphic Design / The Brand Union: Create the brand for a radically new customer reward scheme.

1. create the global brand name and identity for a radically new customer reward scheme
2. customers will be able to form groups around their shared interests, passions and tribal loyalties
3. brands will be able to be ‘bid’ for these customer’s loyalty
4. all this will happen on a website which has features similar to current social networking sites
5. new brand you create will compete with established national and international reward schemes

These briefs will personally help me
1) to be risky and challenge myself to work on a project in a relatively untouched field
2) develop my own skills and view further more regarding 'rebranding' and effects on marketing

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Brief 4 | D&AD Student Awards 2009

Brief 4 is out! This brief gives us more independence and choice, since it is a set brief from the industry and at the same time a international renowned contest with good opportunities to establish a name for yourself.

There are various sub briefs available in different categories, so that you can work on a project following your preferences, which seems to be a difficulty at the same spot, due to the different vivid briefs.

Categories are: Graphic Design, Craft, Product Design, Integrated Communication, Environmental Design, Advertising, Music Video, Product Design, Open Brief

Considering these briefs and looking at the timeframe I have got, and being very interested in two different briefs, I actually take upon the challenge to work on both projects, but not parallel. I will start with the Craft / Photo Essay brief set by Photovoice and then once this is finished, I'll start with the Graphic Design / The Brand Union Brief.

The contest is organised by D&AD, for thirty-one years the D&AD Student Awards have been kick-starting stellar careers in design and advertising. Past winners of the coveted D&AD Student Yellow Pencil work in the best organisations around the world producing some of the most creative work.

All full or part time students enrolled on recognised undergraduate, postgraduate and Higher Education courses anywhere in the world are eligible to enter (HND, BTEC, BA, BSc, MA, MSc, MD or equivalent are all recognised).

Students: We are looking for the next generation of problem solvers. You don’t necessarily need to be studying design or advertising to enter, you just need to provide us with creative solutions to the problems posed in any of our 27 briefs. The competition is tough, but if you win you’ll be amongst the best.

All Responses must be the original work of the entrants. Entrants who incorporate any images, writing, music or other creative material belonging to someone else must obtain the other party's permission. Entrants may be asked to evidence their ownership of the Response and should keep dated records of all working materials.

The closing deadline for entries to be received by D&AD is Friday 20 March 2009 at 5.00pm. D&AD accepts no responsibility for lost or undelivered entries. Proof of postage does not guarantee that an entry has been received by D&AD.

--> So this is the key date for my briefs. On the 16.03. I am planning to send the individual boards for both briefs off.