Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Brief 4.1 | Unicef Photo Of The Year 2007 / 2008


Alcie Smeets

1st Prize 2008 for Alice Smeets

Surviving in Haiti

For five hundred years misfortune and terror have reigned in Haiti. First it was colonialism and slavery, then came the dictators. After that followed chronic political instability and hurricanes. And throughout all that: hardship, distrust, treachery, poverty, dirt, destruction, illness, tyranny, oppression, persecution, death.

Shi: Powerful and narrative image which exactly reflects back on the countrie's current situation and issues.

Oded Balilty

2nd Prize 2008 for Oded Balilty

The Earthquake in China

The rigor mortis affecting the region has spread to the psyches of the living. At least 70,000 people fell victim to the apocalyptic earthquake on the 12th May 2008 in the Chinese province of Sichuan.

Shi: A signature photo which works very well in capturing the key elements and the main focus on the little girl.

Balazs Gardi

3rd Prize 2008 for Balazs Gardi

Collateral Damage

For whom is the Korengal-Valley in the Kunar province of northwest Afghanistan the most dangerous place in the world? Is it the villagers who find themselves between the fronts? Or the Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters? Or the American Soldiers? The risk is spread gruesomely evenly among all these groups.

Shi: Another strong emotional black and white piece, which leaves an open view about the people within this image.


Stephanie Sinclair

G.M.B. Akash

Hartmut Schwarzbach (3rd Prize for Hartmut Schwarzbach 2007)

Smokey Mountain – Children of a charcoal burners’ camp in Manila

This is exactly what the brief is about and is arguably satifying the brief. The photograph and it general feel is very contradictious. The common formula wealth = fortune and poverty = unhappiness does not apply here. This image 'can' change people’s perceptions of wealth and poverty. The little girl surrounded by charcoal and trash, and still with the biggest smile in her face, as if she is blinded by her surroundings.

Unicef Research outcomes:
There are different types of photos to evoke the same or a complete different emotion. I need to be careful chosing what type to use in order to reflect the narrative and the thematic of the picture itself. Black and white pictures are a common tool to play on certain elements of the photo, but not necessarily successful.

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